ALL russian fakes 2024


Fake: The Ukrainian military uses Nazi symbols en masse


Lies: the organization "Reporters Without Borders" (RSF) discovered more than a thousand cases of the use of symbols of the Third Reich, slogans and gestures by servicemen of the armed forces of Ukraine in the Kursk region (russia). The organization's director of advocacy and strategic litigation, Antoine Bernard, demands that the world pay attention to the glorification of Nazism in the ranks of the Armed Forces. kremlin media write about this with reference to the BBC story.


The US introduced new sanctions against Russian propaganda


The day before, the USA applied new sanctions against Kremlin propagandists. In addition, the American Ministry of Justice officially accused two employees of the russian media holding RT of money laundering and violation of the law on "foreign agents". The key persons are Konstantin Kalashnikov and Olena Afanasyeva (RT employees). According to the indictment by the Southern District of New York and according to US Attorney Damian Williams, they ran a disinformation operation from moscow using fake identities and a front company.


Digest of Russian fakes for August


We have collected various fakes that were distributed around the world by the russian special services in August. They don't have problems with fantasy, just like they don't have problems with funding to pollute the media space. Please read this material so as not to contaminate yourself with disinformation feces produced in russia.


Russia is trying to silence foreign media by killing journalists


On August 24, russia attacked the Sapphire hotel in Kramatorsk (Donetsk region, Ukraine), where foreign journalists were staying, with an Iskander-M missile. Reuters employee Ryan Evans was killed, four more media workers were injured (Reuters material here: 25/). Ryan Evans became the 85th media worker to die in Ukraine as a result of full-scale russian aggression beginning on February 24, 2022. No war in the world has brought so many victims to the journalistic community.


Manipulation: Ukrainian authorities pressure and bring legal cases against religious figures


Since the very beginning of its own aggression against Ukraine (that is, since 2014), russia has been trying to create an image of "Ukrainian radicalism", "neo-Nazism" and the like on the world stage. One of the areas where the kremlin's special services are investing a lot of resources is religion. Let's try to figure out what is really happening in 2 minute.


Fake: A Ukrainian is involved in the murder of a volunteer at the Olympic Games


Pro-russian sources spread information that a 28-year-old Ukrainian was allegedly involved in the murder of a volunteer at the Olympic Games in Paris. The publications say that the man has already been detained, his name is not being disclosed in the interests of the investigation. Reports that a citizen of Ukraine was allegedly involved in the girl's murder are untrue.


Fake: refugees from Ukraine steal crops from German farmers


In Germany, there has long been a problem of theft of crops from local farmers, but Ukrainian refugees are not involved in this. The russian factory of fakes simply attributed such criminal activity to Ukrainians in order to discredit them in the eyes of the residents of the European Union.


Fake: Western leaders threatened Ukraine with serious consequences due to operations in the Kursk region of Russia


A lie: "Ukraine canceled the possibility of peace talks with russia with the attack on the Kursk region," - this is a quote by the British analyst Alexander Mercuris, reproduced by the pro-kremlin media. In addition, according to him, due to this military operation, Ukrainians have lost trust among their partners, who are seriously thinking about ending aid to Kyiv.


Manipulation: thousands of people in Berlin came to a rally "for peace with Russia"


In fact, the protest in Berlin on August 3, 2024 was not about maintaining peace with russia. The participants of the mentioned demonstration were the so-called Querdenker - "dissidents", and the action itself was dedicated to the fourth anniversary of such a march in the German capital in 2020. Querdenker, in particular, are against vaccination, measures to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, in general against the German government and "for peace without weapons".


Fake: The Zelenskyi family bought Sting's estate in Italy


Lie: English musician Sting sold his winery Tenuta il Palagio in Tuscany to the family of Volodymyr Zelenskyi for €75 million. kremlin propaganda writes about this with reference to Database Italia.


Shameful fake about the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Germany


"Baerbock uses the intimate services of an African", "An escort from Africa told about "unforgettable" meetings with a minister from Germany", "A gigolo for Baerbock: an African man told about intimate meetings with a politician", - such headlines abound in pro-kremlin media resources. At the same time, they all refer to the "primary source" - an interview with a certain "Kingsley", published in the text version of the website of the Nigerian publication Daily Post.


Fake: Ukraine is bankrupt


A lie: the law signed by the President of Ukraine Zelenskyi on the suspension of foreign debt payments indicates that Ukraine is bankrupt. The pro-russian media reports this with reference to businessman Kim Dotcom.


Support the Ukrainian Armed Forces during the Russian invasion


Fake: The West cannot defeat Russia and is provoking the Third World War


A lie: no one is interested in continuing hostilities, except for arms manufacturers in the United States and other countries. the russian-Ukrainian "conflict" risks going beyond the scope and turning into a world nuclear war. These words of American political commentator Doug Bandow are repeated by kremlin propagandists.


Manipulation: sanctions should not harm "ordinary Russians"


On August 2, a press conference was held for the released and exchanged russian opposition figures Ilya Yashin, Volodymyr Kara-Murza, Andriy Pyvovarov. Their simultaneous statements about the need to ease sanctions against the russian Federation, negotiations with putin, as well as assessments of the russian-Ukrainian war lead to certain conclusions. Because they completely or partially coincide with the narratives of kremlin propaganda.


Fake: Ukrainian athletes were required to wear electronic bracelets at the Olympics in Paris to prevent them from escaping


Neither the Ministry of Youth and Sports nor the National Olympic Committee of Ukraine made such statements. Athletes who represent Ukraine at international competitions have immunity from mobilization and the right to travel abroad. Therefore, it would be absurd to track their location.


Fake: A Czech volunteer admitted in court to his participation in "punitive operations" in the city of Bucha


Volunteer Filip Siman, who fought on the side of Ukraine, is on trial in the Czech Republic. He is accused of illegal service in the Ukrainian army (without the permission of the president of the Czech Republic), as well as of looting at the site of hostilities. Siman did not make any confessions regarding his participation in "punitive operations" in Bucha.


Fake: Ukraine sells NATO weapons and human organs to the Italian mafia


A lie: a significant amount of NATO weapons for Ukraine ended up in the hands of the Italian black market and the mafia. In addition, the Ukrainian Consulate General in Naples is involved in the trafficking of children and human organs. Pro-russian mass media write about this with reference to the investigation of Italian human rights defenders.


Manipulation: "Boris Johnson called on Ukraine to refuse the return of Donbass and Crimea"


A lie: the ex-prime minister of Great Britain, Boris Johnson, called on Ukraine to refuse to go to the borders of 1991 (that is, from the temporarily occupied Donbass and Crimea). In addition, he proposes to grant rights to the russian-speaking population as compensation for russian president putin. Pro-russian media resources write about this with reference to Johnson's article for the Daily Mail.


10th anniversary of the great tragedy MH17 and the great Russian fake


10 years ago, russian terrorists shot down a Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 passenger liner, which was on flight MH17 from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur, in the sky above the Donetsk region, using the standard Buk anti-aircraft missile system of the 53rd anti-aircraft missile brigade of the Soviet Union. 298 people died.


Fake: Coffins with the bodies of American soldiers who died in Ukraine are being delivered to the USA


The photo distributed by pro-russian media has nothing to do with the russian-Ukrainian war. The picture shows coffins with the bodies of American soldiers who died in a plane crash in Kuwait back in 2005. But the kremlin's "fake factory" does not stop trying to find traces of foreign military personnel who died in the war in Ukraine.


Fake: the assassination attempt on Trump has a Ukrainian trace


Fake: the attempt on the USA presidential candidate Donald Trump probably has a Ukrainian trace. The Speaker of the russian Parliament, volodin, is convinced that "Trump's position on the Ukrainian issue could have been the reason for the attempt on him." 3 days have passed since the incident, as moscow has already "revealed" the crime.


Russia once again transfers the consequences of its own missile attacks to Ukraine and the West


Fake: the attempt on the USA presidential candidate Donald Trump probably has a Ukrainian trace. The Speaker of the russian Parliament, volodin, is convinced that "Trump's position on the Ukrainian issue could have been the reason for the attempt on him." 3 days have passed since the incident, as moscow has already "revealed" the crime.


Manipulation: Sociology shows that the world trusts Zelenskyi less and less


Manipulation: The Washington Times newspaper published an article "Trust in the President of Ukraine is falling", in which it was noted that the rating of trust in the President of Ukraine is steadily decreasing in a number of countries. The publication refers to a study by the Pew Research Center.


Fake: Macron's party offers 100 euros to French people who vote for it in the elections


"Macron is trying to buy voters' votes" - this is the news spread by pro-russian websites and social accounts. It is about advertising that was allegedly launched on the social network X (Twitter) by the French parliamentary coalition Ensemble. The ad encourages French people to participate in parliamentary elections and promises a 100-euro bonus to those who vote for the Ensemble parliamentary coalition, which includes the Renaissance party founded by Emmanuel Macron. kremlin propagandists even calculated that such an "action" could cost France up to 5 billion euros.


Fake: The West is working on creating a "dirty bomb" in Ukraine


Fake: "Western countries continue to import radiochemical substances into Ukraine for disposal, which can be used to make a 'dirty bomb,'" the kremlin media quoted one of the russian generals. The general of the terrorist state added that "according to operational information", the main routes for the supply of radiochemical substances pass through Poland and Romania, while organizational, logistical and financial issues are personally overseen by the head of the office of the President of Ukraine Andriy Yermak."


Fake: Olena Zelenska bought a Bugatti car worth more than 4 million euros


The russian mass media came up with such a clickbait headline a few days ago. In fact, all news reports refer to the French publication Vérité Сachée. However, as it turned out, the publication Vérité Сachée does not exist at all, and the site was created specifically to throw in this fake (according to Whois information, the domain of the site was registered only on June 22, 2024).


Fake: Graffiti against Ukraine's accession to the European Union appeared in Brussels


Lie: russian propaganda is once again trying to promote the narrative that Ukraine is not expected in the European Union. As evidence, a photo of graffiti on one of the streets of Brussels with the image of Zelenskyi and the inscription "Please invite another bankrupt to the EU" is attached. The video is replicated by pro-russian Telegram channels.


Fake: Half a million Ukrainian soldiers were sacrificed by the Biden administration


Lie: Washington's actions led to an increase in russia's international prestige and an increase in its military capabilities, but in return, Ukraine lost half a million soldiers. russian propagandists quote such a statement of the US presidential candidate Robert Kennedy Jr.


Fake: Ukrainian fraudsters collected 80 million from Israelis


The news story that is spreading on social networks is falsified, and the very story about the fraudsters from Ukraine is made up. The Times of Israel website did not publish such stories on its website or in its social networks.


Fake: Olena Zelenska's foundation sells children


Lie: over the past three years, more than 51,400 Ukrainian children have gone missing from refugee detention centers in Europe. And many of them may become victims of the "concern" of the Zelenska Foundation. Such information is promoted by russian propagandists through Telegram channels, on the X network and controlled media.


Fake: France intends to use nuclear weapons against the Russian army in Ukraine


Lie: Le Figaro is already discussing the use of French nuclear weapons against russia in Ukraine. On June 13, this decision of President Macron was supported on the X social network by MP of the pro-presidential party "Renaissance" Munir Belamiti. This is what pro-russian Telegram channels write.


Manipulation: Ukraine will lose more if it rejects Putin's offer


A lie: future generations of Ukrainians will regret that Kyiv did not take putin's peace initiatives seriously, because in case of defeat, Ukraine will suffer much greater territorial losses. Pro-kremlin mass media reproduce such material with reference to Responsible Statecraft.


"Free Kremlin propaganda" from world stars


"Ukraine no longer exists. All our money is wasted." This was announced by the best football player in the world, Lionel Messi. More precisely, russian fakers invented such a quote for him, who published 120,000 posts with fake phrases of celebrities about the Russian-Ukrainian war in a day. In addition to Messi, the faces of Jennifer Aniston, Scarlett Johansson, Angelina Jolie, Luc Besson and many other famous people were used with fake anti-Ukrainian quotes.


Nuclear blackmail of Russia as a method of influencing Western leaders


The Secretary of the Security Council of russia, sergei shoigu, recently stated that joint nuclear exercises between russia and Belarus are an adequate response to NATO's participation in the war in Ukraine and the West's permission to strike the territory of the russian Federation. Thus, the kremlin continues to threaten the use of nuclear weapons as the last argument in the war.


A network of Kremlin agents arranges "incidents" in Europe


In European countries that support Ukraine, what is called "incidents" in diplomatic language, but by all indications are sabotage, continues to happen. The latest occurred at the Mesko defense plant in the town of Skarzysko-Kamienna in southern Poland. And the publication "Agentstvo.Multimedia" has compiled a list of 14 events over the past 2 years that are similar to sabotage with a russian "flavor".


Fake: The Economist magazine wrote about the threat to Zelenskyi's life


Lie: The Economist magazine put the president of Ukraine on the cover as a target with the headline "President Zelenskyi's Last Months." The cover photo is reproduced by propagandist Anatoliy Shariy, who is hiding from Ukrainian justice abroad. According to him, the leaders of the United States and the European Union are, as it were, looking for ways to physically eliminate Zelenskyi.


Fake: Ukraine is going to attack civilian objects in Russia


Lie: if Ukraine begins to suffer defeats on the battlefield or unfavorable peace terms are imposed on it, the country's leadership will order to attack schools and other civilian infrastructure of russia. The propagandists of the kremlin write about this with reference to the comment of the British analyst Nicholas Drummond in the Daily Express. This lie was recorded by our colleagues from


Fake: the European Union will introduce a "Ukrainian solidarity tax"


In Germany, a number of online publications spread a fake that the European Union will introduce a new tax of 80 euros per month for all Europeans in August 2024 to provide for the needs of Ukraine due to the war.


Top countries that economically support Russian terrorism


We understand from the media that today the key allies of putin's terrorist regime are China, Belarus, Iran, and North Korea. But this is only on the surface. How will you react if you see the USA or Germany in this list. Molfar's OSINT investigations revealed many of the kremlin's secret ties to global democracy. Maybe that's why the world is not doing enough to end the war and the real defeat of the kremlin?


the Russian network "Dvoynyk" clone the sites mass media


"Artificial intelligence and deepfakes are quickly becoming the tools of choice for those who want to spread false narratives," Morgan Wright, chief security adviser at SentinelOne, an American cybersecurity company, told CNN. SentinelOne, together with the independent research group EU DisinfoLab, worked to expose a russian influence network that has been operating in Europe since 2022 under the name "Dvoynyk" (in transl. - Double).


Fake: French soldiers raped 23 New Caledonian women


The human rights organization Human Rights Watch, referred to by russian "sources", did not make such statements. The video showing the Human Rights Watch logo has been faked. Reports of mass rapes in New Caledonia began to spread through anonymous pro-russian Telegram channels.


Russia is tricking Africans and Asians into its army


russia activates the recruitment of mercenaries for the war against Ukraine, offering them $2,200 per month. In particular, the russians are conducting a campaign to recruit manpower in Central Africa in Rwanda, Burundi, Congo and Uganda. This information was published by the Main Directorate of Ukrainian Intelligence.


Manipulation: Russia is ready for peace talks to stop the war


On the eve of the Peace Summit in Switzerland (June 13-15, 2024), the russians are intensifying their efforts to disrupt this important historical event. Through various diplomatic and economic channels, moscow sends a signal that it is ready for negotiations for a complete end to the war. explains why this is a big manipulation of the hopes of the democratic world to stop the bloodshed in Ukraine.


Fake: Ukrainian hackers hacked the American channel CBS-2


Ukrainian hackers hacked the airwaves of New York's CBS-2 TV channel and posted a video urging people not to attend a rally of US presidential candidate Donald Trump in the Bronx. Such a video is distributed by pro-russian users of the X network, reports


How world brands provide the Kremlin in its barbaric operations


The investigation of our colleagues from InformNapalm once again proved that the products of Sony, NVidia, Siemens, Vecor, Aimtec are widely used in the manufacture of weapons for putin's terrorist regime. Read about a large criminal scheme, bypassing sanctions right now.


Russia has started a campaign to discredit the 2024 Olympic Games


The number of materials (including fakes) about the upcoming Olympic Games in a negative context is increasing in the network. As a rule, the source is social networks X, Tik-tok, as well as russian and pro-russian media. In this way, russia wants to take revenge for not allowing its athletes to the Olympics. The key slogan of russia: "Sports outside of politics." Is it true?


Fake: the attempt on Fico was ordered by Ukraine


An extraordinary event took place in Slovakia - an attempt on the Prime Minister of Slovakia, Robert Fico. This is a new round of destabilization in Europe, in which the Kremlin's fairy-tales immediately saw a "Ukrainian footprint" after a few hours.


"Illegitimate": Russian propaganda attacks ZelenskyI


May 20, 2024 marks five years since the inauguration of the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyi. For the russian special services, this date has a special significance. After all, they promote the narrative that upon completion of the five-year term, the president of Ukraine will lose legitimacy and become a "usurper."


the robot Sophia calls on Ukrainians to surrender

    14.05.2024 journalists. discovered that the russian fake factory created the news that the world-famous AI robot Sofia at the exhibition in Dubai advised Ukrainians to surrender to the russians as soon as possible, because this is the only way to survive. At the same time, the liars used the name and logo of the German Deutsche Welle. In fact, this media did not publish such materials on its website or in social networks.


Russia accuses Ukraine of shelling a residential building in Belgorod


How many times have the russians staged various bloody provocations in order to accuse Ukraine of crimes against civilians. Another episode happened on May 13 in the russian city of Belgorod, which is not far from the border. One of the entrances to the house was completely destroyed after the explosion. russian terrorists immediately accused Ukraine of shelling.


The USA demands that Ukraine give up the lost territories


russian propagandists twisted the Foreign Policy publication and are spreading the message that Joe Biden's administration does not support Ukraine's desire to return the occupied territories, as if this goal is unattainable. This is a fake.


the Kremlin invented an "assassination" on Salman


Information about an attempted assassination attempt on the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, Mohammed bin Salman, was spread by many publications with reference to the Arab segment X. To confirm this information, a video with a burning car was attached.


Brookings Institute: Russian propaganda affects US elections through TikTok


In the run-up to the US presidential election, a number of russia-related accounts are appearing on TikTok, spreading disinformation in English and Spanish. This is stated in a new report by the Brookings Institute.


Yermak Payed TIME for a Spot in the 2024 Most Influential List — Bellingcat


russian propaganda continues its efforts to discredit the leadership of Ukraine. The new brazen fake concerns the head of the office of the President of Ukraine.


The front of the Armed Forces of Ukraine risks collapsing in a few weeks


The kremlin media wrote that NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg arrived in Ukraine because the front of the Armed Forces risks collapsing in a few weeks. The Secretary General of NATO learned the details of the development of events in Kyiv.


Kremlin fictions about neo-Nazis in Ukraine


kremlin propaganda is actively spreading false theses about the defenders of the city of Mariupol and the Azovstal plant (the largest enterprise in the city). They are accused of treason, terrorism, killing civilians. In fact, these statements are lies. The anniversary of the defenders' exit from "Azovstal" is another reason to remind the world about the feat of the Ukrainian military. We must do everything possible for their release. We must tirelessly remind the world of russia's violation of international law. The support of the international community and the dissemination of the truth is critical to combating russian propaganda.


Fake: The Ukrainian military burned an effigy of Trump on video


Fake: Ukrainian servicemen burned an effigy of US presidential candidate Donald Trump with the words: "You will never be president again." The corresponding video appeared on several russian Telegram channels, and later it was actively shared by pro-russian users of the X social network.