United States poll. US Ukraine. Trump poll results. Support for ukraine in the US. russian fake
Social media users and pro-kremlin online media are spreading information that the vast majority of Americans do not support Ukraine. This conclusion was allegedly drawn based on responses to a poll conducted by US President-elect Donald Trump on social network X. To support their claim, they added screenshots of only negative responses. StopFake has investigated that this claim is not true.
The truth: The @realTrumpNewsX account on X referenced by russian propaganda does not belong to Donald Trump. This is explicitly stated in the account description: ‘Not affiliated with @realdonaldtrump,’ which is the official account of the president-elect. Trump's official page has over 97 million followers and posts much more official messages compared to @realTrumpNewsX.
Screenshots circulated by propagandists are edited to show only negative responses. A closer look reveals their selective nature, as the responses were posted at different times. StopFake conducted its own analysis of this poll to compare the number of comments in favour and against supporting Ukraine. The analysis looked at 2,500 consecutive comments posted since the start of the poll. The results showed 648 pro and 583 anti-Ukraine comments. While the polls themselves are not representative, they clearly indicate a preponderance of support.
It is important to note that the responses to the polls on the @realTrumpNewsX account do not reflect the opinion of Americans, as propaganda claims. Real research shows that American support for Ukraine increased in 2024 compared to 2023. A Pew Research Center/AP-NORC poll found that in October 2023, 52% of Americans believed that the United States was spending too much on aid to Ukraine, 31% thought the spending was appropriate, and 15% thought it was insufficient. In September 2024, only 34% of respondents believed that the US was spending too much, 39% believed that spending was appropriate, and 21% believed that spending was insufficient, Voice of America reported. Similar figures are also provided by the Pew Research Centre: https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2024/11/25/wide-partisan-divisions-remain-in-americans-views-of-the-war-in-ukraine/
According to Stopfake.org