Russia once again transfers the consequences of its own missile attacks to Ukraine and the West


Okhmatdyt, war crime russia, war ukraine russia, putin kremlin

russian propaganda is spreading another lie: "A superficial analysis of photos and videos on the network proves that all the destruction was the result of the explosion of fragments of a Ukrainian anti-aircraft missile. At the same time, Kyiv arranges PR with mourning and the convening of the UN Security Council." Publications in many pro-kremlin mass media published such explanations.

Truth: russia, by means of its propaganda at the state level, continues its attempts to remove responsibility for missile strikes on civilian objects on the territory of Ukraine. On July 8, russian missiles hit the "Okhmatdyt" Children's Hospital (Ukraine's largest hospital that rescues seriously ill children), two more private hospitals and a residential building in the capital of Ukraine. The investigation of the Security Service of Ukraine, the video of the arrival of russian missiles, the nature of the destruction of the buildings of the "Okhmatdyt" hospital and the found whole parts of russian missiles indicate that it was the russian X-101 missile that hit the children's hospital. This information was later confirmed at a specially convened meeting of the UN Security Council.
In addition, on the same day, July 8, russian troops launched missile strikes on the Dniprovetrovsk and Donetsk regions. Civilian facilities were also hit there, in the middle of the day. As of July 9, 44 civilians (34 of them in Kyiv), including 5 children, became victims of russian shelling. Another 190 people were injured. Unfortunately, the number of such war crimes by the kremlin already runs into the hundreds.
In the following days, the russian mass media tried to promote another narrative, that there were military facilities located next to the medical facilities, which russia has the right (only where does the aggressor have this right?) to destroy. But there is no real evidence for this information either, which was confirmed by about 30 ambassadors of different countries who visited the places of tragedies.
Another fake from the russians: "The attack on "Okhmatdyt" is a special operation of the West before the NATO summit." russia has provided irrefutable facts to the UN that the shelling of a children's hospital in Kyiv is a special operation of the West, which aims to create another scandal before the NATO summit.
So, in less than a week, pro-russian sources announced several versions of what happened to the "Okhmatdyt" Children's Hospital. This is a classic method of propaganda. All this is done in order to divert attention from the only true version: the shelling of medical facilities was carried out by russian troops in a targeted manner, which is a flagrant war crime. 
Update 12.07Another fake appeared recently as part of the justification of this terrible crime of russian terrorists. The kremlin's "fake factory" invented the news that German Health Minister Karl Lauterbach allegedly admitted that the evacuation of children from the "Ohmatdit" hospital was planned even before the shelling. According to the conclusions of the russian mass media, this indicates that the missile strike was planned by Ukraine under the control of NATO countries. But this is another bold manipulation. In fact, Karl Lauterbach made a statement after the rocket attack on the hospital. The minister noted that Germany is ready to accept children from Ukraine for treatment at any time.
Criminals must be punished, otherwise such tragedies will be repeated. In any corner of the world, where putin's terrorist gang can reach with its tentacles.


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