Sources of fakes and russian propaganda


Laura Loomer plays along with Russian propaganda because of her love for Trump

Laura Loomer calls herself an investigative journalist. She dreams of becoming Donald Trump's press secretary. In 2023, Laura Loomer's mother, Joanna Elizabeth Loomer, posted photos of Loomer and Trump together on her Facebook page and wrote about their visit to a golf club in New Jersey. Donald Trump himself published a video with the caption "Thank you, Laura!". In this video, Laura Loomer answers the question of why she is still single.
In addition to propaganda and disinformation at X, Lumer also runs a channel at Telegram. On March 2, 2022, she called for the removal of Ukrainian flags (in the United States at that time the public widely supported Ukrainians because of the russian invasion), calling it "disgusting." Loomer expressed a personal negative attitude towards Ukraine and its allies. At the same time, in December 2023, it spread the opinion that aid to Ukraine provokes the Third World War. In the X social network, she calls herself the "queen of evidence". In LinkedIn, she also notes that she has been working as an editor for the WSVN (Channel 7) TV channel since 2013. But we did not find Laura on the website of this company. In 2020-2023, she worked as a reporter with the far-right publication InfoWars, which publishes fake news and conspiracy theories.


The scandalous American congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Green persistently relays Putin's narratives

"Zelenskyi and Washington continue to call for new deaths in Ukraine. The war could have ended a few months ago, but Zelenskyi's calls for the supply of more weapons will lead to the destruction of a whole generation of Ukrainian men." This statement of American Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Green is spread by kremlin propagandists.
The statement that the war could have ended a few months ago is an outright lie. moscow has not made any proposals for a peaceful settlement since the start of the full-scale war, other than demands for the surrender of Ukraine.
In addition, the kremlin is trying to convince the world that military and financial support of Ukraine "will only increase the number of useless victims among Ukrainians", instead its termination will "bring peace closer". In fact, military aid to Ukraine allows Ukraine to resist the aggressor more effectively, preventing even greater casualties, destruction, and terror brought to Ukrainian lands by the russian occupiers.
Marjorie Taylor Green is a well-known relayer of kremlin narratives and an ardent opponent of aid to Ukraine. Earlier, she stated that there is allegedly a "war against Christianity" in Ukraine, "civilians are being tortured" and that "Nazism is flourishing in Ukraine", which is an outright delusion. Ms. Green appears to have a vested interest in the success of putin's terrorist regime. Unequivocally, this person must be responsible for his actions and words.


American Daniel Davis (YouTube channel Deep Dive) openly works for the Kremlin

Ex-US military Daniel Davis purposefully spreads pro-kremlin narratives on his "Deep Dive" YouTube channel and as a pundit for the kremlin media.
In particular, on his YouTube channel, the most actively circulated fakes are that allegedly "Ukraine is not fighting for freedom and democracy, but to siphon more money from the USA", as well as "Ukraine is doomed to defeat" and "Nazis are fighting in the ranks of the Ukrainian Armed Forces." And so on.
Now Davis is helping moscow carry out another disinformation operation. Its design is very typical: every time Ukraine reveals russia's weakness, propaganda begins to intimidate Ukrainians and the world with a "tough response", as well as assure that "Kyiv is in despair and any step it takes only brings the inevitable defeat closer." The main goal of such disinformation operations is to convince Ukraine and the international community that the best way out is "peace at any price", that is, the capitulation of Ukraine on putin's terms.


Ex-US Army officer Scott Bennett is a long-time agent of Russian propaganda

In November 2023, he visited the temporarily occupied cities of Donbas, after which he circulated the lie that Soledar was allegedly destroyed by "American weapons." In addition, in March 2024, Bennett asked putin to grant him russian citizenship, saying that he wanted to use his skills and experience "for the benefit of russia." Bennett's completely fresh statement: "The attack of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the Kursk region is Zelenskyi's agony. Soon, panic will break out in Kyiv's political circles and a coup d'état will begin." Because Scott Bennett regularly acts as an expert for the kremlin media, he must be held accountable under international law as a supporter of international terrorism under putin.


Russia aggressively uses the Telegram social network to spread its own propaganda

According to, almost 800 pro-russian channels in 30 languages ​​have been found in the foreign segment of the Telegram social network. A total of 15.7 million users read them. Every day, the posts of these resources collect an average of 100 million views. Among the 100 most popular channels, 12 russian war correspondents (i.e. employees of the kremlin's special services), politicians and media from russia were found.
In 2023, TASS created Spanish- and French-language channels. The "Fisherman" project (1 million subscribers) now has an English-language version. russian propagandists have networks of news channels in foreign languages. Often they have the same name (eg "infodefitaly" and "infodefpoland"). Already six such networks have been identified.
russian propaganda is actively quoted by foreign news channels - it is almost half of the 800. Among them are English-speaking ones, for example, "Intel Slava Z" (500,000 subscribers) or "Slavyangrad" (100,000 subscribers). Or the German "Übersicht Ukraine" and the Hungarian "Oroszok Az Igazság Oldalán". Another group is foreign bloggers. Currently, there are almost 100 channels from 25 countries.
In the south of Western Europe, Telegram is growing most actively: the number of views of pro-kremlin media in Italian has increased almost 2 times, in Spanish and Portuguese - 7 times. The most popular here are the Italian RT, photojournalist from Donbas Giorgio Bianchi, right-wing radical blogger Rossella Fidanza.
"International Reporters" is one of the most popular pro-kremlin telegram channels in France (among 27). In it, you can find posts about the "doomed to disaster" Olympics and russia's economic success. There is also a French-language version of the blog of an ex-employee of the Security Service of Ukraine, Vasyl Prozorov, who turned out to be an agent of the kremlin.
Of all EU countries, Germany has the most pro-russian channels - 125. For example, Alina Lipp's blog has 187,000 subscribers. Most of the channels are followers of the far-right QAnon movement. Among them is the covid-dissident Beate Baner, as well as the news channels "Mäckle macht gute Laune", "Freie Medien", "LION Media" and others.
In the USA, kremlin propaganda is broadcast via Telegram by dozens of channels that are followers of the same QAnon movement. The biggest one is "Midnight Rider Channel". They are preparing for nuclear war, oppose abortion and support putin. Official propaganda - "russian American Daily" - has its own American channels. Here bloggers, for example, "Russell TEXAS Bentley" (writes about Donbas, russia and the war in Ukraine) and Scott Ritter, are actively spreading kremlin disinformation.
Researcher of russian influence in Europe, professor of the Central European University, Anton Shekhovtsov, explains: "The tactic of russian propaganda is to fill the entire information space with its narratives, to use any possible platforms. The ultimate goal of such channels is not so much to directly influence people, but to make the narratives spread by them get into the mainstream media and, accordingly, reach a legitimate level."
We remind you that the Telegram social network was created in russia. Although its owner Pavel Durov has been living outside the country for a long time, and allegedly the entire Telegram business team is also located outside russia, there is certain evidence that the kremlin's special services have control over this social network and full access to the database, which can be used for criminal purposes.


Tony Shaffer is a favorite of Russian propaganda

The kremlin press willingly quotes his statements that russia has "defeated Ukraine and NATO", about the "failure of the Armed Forces of Ukraine", etc. These theses Shaffer recently repeated in a conversation with Andrew Napolitano, whose YouTube channel is a platform for spreading russian narratives to an American audience.
"With active military actions against russia, Volodymyr Zelenskyy wants to involve the North Atlantic Alliance in the war and draw even more attention of the West to the situation in Ukraine" - a quote from Shaffer. Narratives that Kyiv seeks to draw the US and NATO into a war with russia are designed to undermine the American audience's trust in Ukraine's leadership and fuel fears of "escalation." This is part of the information operation against Ukraine, which russian special services have been carrying out in the West since 2022.


Irish pseudo-journalist Chay Bowes works for the Kremlin special services

"The majority of Ukrainians do not believe in victory in the war with russia," writes Irish journalist Chay Bowes and his statement is quoted by pro-Kremlin media. In fact, the latest polls (July 2024) show that the absolute majority of Ukrainians believe in victory. For example, according to the Razumkov Center, this is 80% of citizens.
Chay Bowes is a former RT media correspondent who continues to actively cooperate with russian special services, spreading fake news. He accuses Ukrainians of nazism and extermination of ethnic russians. This pseudo-journalist believes that the Maidan was organized by American agents, and currently there is a civil war in Ukraine, which is being escalated by the United States and the countries of the European Union. For Chay Bowes, russia is an innocent victim who suffers from russophobia and bravely fights against unjustly imposed sanctions. In other words, he repeats exactly all the narratives of the special services of the kremlin, so he should definitely be on the black list of agents of russian terrorism (rashism).


Norwegian political scientist Glenn Diesen is in the service of Putin

"After the USA and Great Britain derailed the Istanbul peace agreement between Kyiv and moscow in 2022, there were calls from Washington to turn Ukraine into a new Afghanistan in order to harm russia. No one from the EU spoke against it", - these are the words of the Norwegian political scientist Glenn Diesen, which is reproduced by the pro-kremlin media.
The narrative that "the West is dooming Ukraine to an "eternal war" was promoted by russian propaganda immediately after the failure of the putin's army offensive in 2022.
Today, this narrative is part of an information campaign to demoralize Ukrainians and force them to surrender in the form of "appeasement" on the kremlin's terms. By the way, Glenn Diesen is a long-time kremlin propaganda agent. He has been cooperating with various foundations and organizations of the russian Federation since at least 2017 and participates in the Valdai Club, which is an international platform for spreading fakes and narratives.


Channel3 Now provoked riots in Britain

The Channel3 Now website has sparked a wave of misinformation by naming a fake child killer in Southport. According to the fake publication, the murder was committed by "17-year-old Muslim refugee Ali Al-Shakati." A tweet with such a fiction collected 27 million views. This is reported by The Telegraph: fake message was quoted by the mass media and spread by opinion leaders - politicians, bloggers, entrepreneurs. The disinformation campaign played an important role in inciting the riots currently taking place in Britain. It will be recalled that on July 29, in the British town of Southport, the 17-year-old son of natives of Rwanda, Axel Muganwa Rudakubana, killed three minor girls and injured eight more children.What is known about this media?Channel3 Now is an aggregator of real and fake news. Its domain is registered in Lithuania and belongs to two Pakistani citizens. The YouTube channel of the resource was launched back in 2012 - it published russian-language video reports about amateur car races in Izhevsk (russia). In 2019, the channel was renamed and repurposed - it began publishing English-language videos about Pakistan.


Sonia van den Ende, a supporter of the Putin regime from the Netherlands

Recently, the kremlin media actively distributed quotes from the Dutch "journalist" Sonia van den Ende, who said: "Ukrainians want peace, but Western politicians are putting pressure on Kyiv to continue military operations." She also claims that "Ukrainians have stopped believing in the victory of the Armed Forces, and they know the truth that it is Kyiv, not moscow, that is 'hitting civilian objects.'
Sonya van den Ende is an ordinary lobbyist for russia in Europe. She also acted as a so-called "international observer" at the pseudo-referendum held in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine. Van den Ende also claimed that the Dutch court has no evidence of russia's involvement in the MH17 crash.
And this time Sonja van den Ende is spreading the kremlin narrative that it is the West that allegedly wants the war to continue. This narrative is part of a broader disinformation campaign by the kremlin to distort reality and shift responsibility for fueling this war. This directly contradicts the facts: it was russia that invaded the territory of Ukraine and continues to conduct hostilities. And it is russia that has been violating international law since 2014 by occupying and annexing Crimea and then starting a war in Donbas.


"Últimas noticias" systematically broadcasts Russian propaganda

The Venezuelan media unilaterally covers international events that completely coincide with russian propaganda. A fragment from the latest publications of "Últimas noticias": "In short, russia is a small, peaceful country, surrounded on all sides by a vicious warlike Ukraine, which is ruled by a "fascist terrorist regime. With money from the West, ISIS was created in the center of Europe, only stronger and scarier." Another fragment: "The russian military found laboratories for the production of chemical weapons in Ukraine." All this indicates that "Últimas noticias" is closely cooperating with putin's terrorist regime.


Jackson Hinkle, Dan Kovalik, Chris Helali are pseudo-journalists who openly work for the Kremlin

Jackson Hinkle, Dan Kovalik and Chris Helali, who "just visited Donbas" and spoke about what they saw there, spoke at a press conference at the UN organized by russia on July 3.The purpose of this performance is to spread another batch of russian propaganda through the UN platform. Here are the main theses voiced by the commissioned speakers:- People in Donbas began to seek independence from Ukraine in response to violence by the authorities after the 2014 coup;- Since 2014, people in Donetsk and Luhansk have been subjected to terror from Ukraine, which was silenced by Western media and politicians, and in February 2022, Kyiv was preparing to attack Donbas;- The population of Donbass, Zaporozhye and Crimea categorically does not want the return of Ukraine and is very happy about the arrival of russia;- russia is rapidly rebuilding Donbas, in particular Mariupol, which was destroyed by the war and neglected during the time of independence;- Ukraine is not looking for peace, but seeks further escalation;- Ukraine does not defeat russia, but uses Western support in order to commit terrorist acts;- Ukraine is attacking the Zaporizhzhia NPP with drones and American missiles, which could trigger a nuclear disaster.Obviously, this press conference, as well as related events, are part of a wider informational and psychological operation by the kremlin, aimed at disrupting the diplomatic process launched by Ukraine and its allies during the Global Peace Summit in Switzerland. russia's goal is to show that Ukraine is an aggressor that should be forced into peace on putin's terms. To carry out this operation, moscow used proven agents of influence.
Jackson Hinkle was happy to pose with the banner of the fighters "Wagner". This American political commentator with 2.6 million followers on the X social network (Twitter) positions himself as an "American conservative Marxist-Leninist" and diligently spreads the most absurd russian fakes among his audience. Hinkle has nothing to do with journalism.
Dan Kovalik positions himself as a human rights defender and "fighter for peace". From the very beginning of the full-scale war, he has been spreading narratives about the "Maidan coup", that "Crimea made its choice in a referendum", that "NATO provoked the war", etc. At the beginning of the russian invasion, Kovalik wrote an article for "russia today" under the telling title "Why russia's invasion of Ukraine is legal from the point of view of international law."
Chris Helali is a member of the Communist Party of the USA. On Twitter, Helali positions himself only as a "researcher, geopolitical analyst, independent journalist, teacher and farmer." And also a contributor to "russia today", the Iranian edition of Press TV and the Chinese CGTN. On March 8, 2022, he published in the columns of the American publication "VTDigger" a text under the heading "NATO must be liquidated to bring peace to Europe."
This tolerance for misinformation is dangerous because it allows the kremlin to influence certain areas of Western societies. It is especially regrettable that the UN has not yet created effective mechanisms that would prevent openly propagandistic activities on such a high international platform. Thus, criminals feel their impunity and are ready to intensify their criminal activities.
According to the materials of


Xavier Moreau and Fabrice Sorlain (France)

Meet Fabrice Sorlen - the leader of the nationalist organization "Dies Irae" ("Judgment Day"), a member of the far-right party "National Front" of Marie Le Pen, the former head of the organization "Association France - Europe - russia", whose goals were to strengthen ties between Europe and russia for the unification of "Christian civilization", opposition to "the rise of Islam" and "American hegemony".
Sorlen is also the head of the "Katehon" analytical center. The supervisory board includes, in particular, the well-known ideologue of "russian World" Oleksandr Dugin, that is, the structure is under the patronage and financing of russian intelligence (read the investigation of "Information Resistance"). Sorlen is also associated with Andrii Klymov, a member of the Federation Council of the russian Federation.
Xavier Moreau calls himself an independent analyst and businessman. He founded the "Stratpol" think tank and is a frequent commentator for russian media. He is also the author of the book "Ukraine. Why is France deceiving itself".
It is known that both Sorlen and Moro visited the kremlin-controlled quasi-republics "DPR" and "LPR" (the occupied territories of Donbass).
Moreau also participated in the opening of the so-called "representative office of the DPR" in Marseille (France). As an "observer", he attended the pseudo-elections of the "DPR" leadership on November 11 last year.


"Independent Finnish journalist" Kosti Heiskanen is even very dependent on the Kremlin's special services

In fact, this is Konstantin Lebedev, a native of St. Petersburg, "The Insider" found out. He began his career as a pro-kremlin propagandist back in 2004. Now he is one of the figures of pro-Kremlin propaganda, who work simultaneously for a small pro-russian Finnish audience and for a russian one."In Finland, the standard of living has fallen sharply, schools, shops are closing, fascism and Russophobia are rampant everywhere, from 2022 Finland has been overrun by bedbugs, rats, and the medieval curse - scabies - has returned. Finns are thinking about where to flee from the crumbling country. Finns licked Hitler's boots. Only Vladimir putin can stop the frenzy that is happening in Europe. Ukraine is crying loudly, Ukrainian refugees have created a criminal situation in the Land of a Thousand Lakes," says Kosti Heiskanen, a regular on russian TV shows. In Finnish, Kosti, on the contrary, tells how prosperous and beautiful life is in russia.From the summer of 2022, he also regularly organizes pickets in St. Petersburg against the closing of borders, gives an "expert opinion" on joining NATO. Officially, he is called no other than "honorary member of the community of free journalists in Finland".Heiskanen did not forget to visit the occupied territories of Ukraine, he made reports from Mariupol and other cities. Since the summer of 2022, Kosti calls himself the correspondent of the Finnish media "UMV-lehti", created in Spain in 2014 by the russian Ilya Yanitsky. The editor-in-chief is another russian propagandist from Janus Putkonen. In Finland, the publication is recognized as racist and inciting hatred. More about the pseudo-journalist here:


Robert Kennedy, Jr. campaigns for the establishment of a dialogue with Putin and spreads fakes

Even some ambiguous statements of Donald Trump about russia, Ukraine and foreign policy look completely innocent against the background of Kennedy. In August 2023, Robert Kennedy Jr. gave an interview to Tucker Carlson. In it, he expressed several openly anti-Ukrainian theses. In particular, that the USA allegedly financed the protests on the Maidan in 2013-2014. According to Kennedy, the American government invested 5 billion dollars in the revolution in Ukraine. Also, the nephew of the ex-president of the USA criticizes the allocation of aid to Ukraine at that time.The independent presidential candidate also voiced fakes about "biological laboratories in Ukraine and the development of biological weapons" with the assistance of American special services, about "14 thousand killed residents of Donbas", as well as about "300 thousand casualties in the Defense Forces of Ukraine in the summer of 2023". Kennedy believes that Ukraine is doomed to lose to russia. He accuses the White House administration of provoking the war in Ukraine because of its imperial expansion toward russia. In addition, Kennedy regularly campaigns for the establishment of a dialogue with putin.


Russian propaganda in Latin America

Many Latin Americans continue to follow the Kremlin narrative: Washington is to blame for everything because it forced russia to attack Ukraine. But according to many polls, Latin America wants to live like in the US. Many there sympathize with the American way of life. However, russia is trying to polarize the societies of different countries on this issue. How?

Illustration is another active mouthpiece of Kremlin propaganda

This media is registered in moscow, where the editorial office is also located. The site has several foreign language versions, including English, Spanish, French, German, Polish and others. Propagandists often use statements and comments of European oppositionists, odious politicians, representatives of far-right parties, and also refer to other pro-russian media loyal to the Kremlin. In this way, the editors try to create a picture for readers that pro-russian sentiments prevail in Europe and the world. constantly justifies russian aggression and crimes, and also accuses Western leaders of provoking an armed conflict on the territory of Ukraine.


Nigel Farage and The Times are supporters of cooperation with Putin

In a recent interview with the British The Times, one of the leaders of the opposition movement in Britain said that Zelenskyi should accept the terms of the dictator and international criminal putin in order to finally put an end to the bloody war. In other words, it means "Ukraine must capitulate to the kremlin's terrorist regime." For some reason, Mr. Farage does not care about targeted genocide and ecocide in the center of Europe, nuclear terrorism, completely destroyed cities and villages, the territories of which are the size of a country like Belgium. And Mr. Farage forgot to add that in the case of "peace" on its terms, russia will certainly encroach on the Baltic states, Moldova, Poland, and also wants to control all of Europe through "handy" politicians. It is a shame that such an outstanding media as The Times, with respectable traditions and a staff of professional journalists, allows itself to regularly publish "russian narratives" from the mouths of far-right politicians such as Nigel Farage, such as Donald Trump, such as Tino Khrupalla from Germany and others. Therefore, we are forced to add The Times as a media outlet that spreads russian propaganda.


ex-sheriff from Florida John Dugan runs a network of 167 online resources that work for Kremlin propaganda

The NewsGuard publication exposed ex-sheriff from Florida John Dougan ( in the organization of disinformation campaigns ordered by the kremlin. It emerged that Dugan, who was granted "political asylum" in russia in 2016, is believed to be behind a network of approximately 167 online resources that position themselves as national or local websites in the USA and UK but are actually operated from moscow. They revealed at least 19 separate false stories in 16 different languages ​​that received a total of 37.7 million views.
One of these fakes was that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyi bought a castle owned by King Charles of Great Britain (1.3 million views). And the accusation against Zelenskyi for the purchase of two superyachts (this "news" also spread through Dugan's network) was repeated by American congressmen as an argument to deny Ukraine continued aid.
The technology is banal: it all starts with a YouTube video where an informant or journalist allegedly exposes some crime or corruption by Ukrainian or American officials and cites some alleged document. The videos from this account are then picked up by russian and pro-russian Western media.
Also during the research, the "Expat Russia" program was found, which offers immigration and legal services for representatives of the West who want to move to the russian Federation and become a cog in the kremlin propaganda machine.


The French website Republican Resistance reproduces Kremlin narratives

This media resource spreads fake news about "the death of French Foreign Legion soldiers in the war in Ukraine", criticizes the French government, publishes cartoons of President Macron, promotes pro-russian fakes and supports right-wing radicals.
Researchers from Insight News Media established (, ( pro-russian-news-delivered-from-moscow/) that is registered and hosted in moscow - for this, the domain ".com" was chosen, not "fr", intended for French online resources.
All this, according to the investigators, is being done with the aim of spreading chaos, despair and protest sentiment in France, undermining the French government and supporting right-wing radicals who are pro-moscow.


The Turkish publication ODATV systematically disseminates messages of Russian propaganda

In particular, the publication often manipulates facts, mentions the leaders of the kremlin in a neutral or positive context, as well as their "efforts" to establish a "just peace" in Europe. Also, in the materials of the Turkish mass media, appeals to "take into account russian interests" can be traced. In addition, ODATV often publishes materials criticizing the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyi, as well as leaders of democratic countries, including the United States and the European Union.


Daily Express and pseudo-journalist Charlie Bradley

This publication and this pseudo-journalist have been repeatedly noticed for publications that contain pro-russian narratives and manipulation of facts that benefit moscow.

Charlie Bradley LinkedIn Profile:


Company Four Corners and TV channel ABC (Australia)

The Australian media company Four Corners filmed the film "Unprecedented access to the russian frontline of the war in Ukraine", which was later shown on the ABC TV channel. According to the authors, this is an attempt by "journalists" and "cinematographers" (we deliberately put these words in brackets) to show the other side of the war between Ukraine and russia. Or rather, to reveal to the world "the national ideas of modern russians." In fact, this movie is ordinary russian propaganda. The film is about the "voice and thoughts of the kremlin", militants who deliberately made the choice of armed invasion of a neighboring sovereign country, aggressive terror and murders on ethnic grounds. It is as if during the Second World War, a film was made about Hitler to justify his disastrous policy, or about Osama bin Laden and his "holy atrocities". All russian leaders should be held accountable, and russia should pay reparations to all states that are forced to help Ukrainians survive in the fight against this bloodthirsty gang. This is the only way a true independent film and journalistic investigation should end.


The nation and lev golinkin

Pseudo-journalist Lev Golinkin, who moved from Kharkiv to the US in 1990, now happily spreads Russian propaganda narratives that both sides are to blame for the conflict. This is a popular method of Kremlin propagandists, when they admit their "mistakes" a little, but focus even more on the victim's problems, which justifies their "educational methods". In particular, Golinkin wrote an entire article for The Nation about the Ukrainian Azov Regiment (the real defenders of Ukraine), calling them neo-Nazis, the source of all the troubles of Ukrainians and instigators of war. It is a shame that The Nation published material that was clearly ordered by Moscow.


A major study on the network of global Russian propaganda in Europe

Putin's regime conducts massive propaganda not only through its state media, but also through "useful idiots" who are focused on demonizing the US, the EU and NATO and have radical right or leftist views. In addition, instead of Russia Today and Sputnik, which received a ban in Europe, although not fully effective, new so-called "multilingual international media" appeared, which write as the Kremlin likes and spread pro-Russian narratives and disinformation.InformNapalm's research using specialized programs (SimilarWeb, Seranking) helped identify websites with pro-Russian narratives associated with content similarity, mutual citations, and referral traffic. They range from criticism of the West and Ukraine to the spread of outright Russian fakes and conspiracy theories.All the details are here:


Serbia is expanding the presence of Russian propaganda in the country

Large russian companies Gazprom and Lukoil continue to significantly control Serbia's energy sectors. Serbian leader Vučić maintains close ties with the kremlin. Mass media and the Serbian Orthodox Church cooperate closely. These connections serve as conduits for russian narratives, shaping public opinion and political positions in the region.
The office of the russian Sputnik Serbia in Belgrade is active, and the RT Balkan TV channel, which is an important component of russian disinformation operations, recently started its work. Both publications report in Serbian, which allows the Kremlin to reach a wide audience in the Balkans. Sputnik Serbia also works closely with local media, supplying them with kremlin-produced propaganda about world events.


The Austrian Freedom Party and its leader Herbert Kickl

As part of the election campaign to the European Parliament, the Austrian Freedom Party started an information campaign against support for Ukraine. Posters with relevant content have already been spotted in several cities in Austria. Main ideas: "Austria is a "fortress against migration". Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán is a role model in politics. The party has long-standing strong ties with the Kremlin, opposes Russian sanctions, and takes an openly anti-Ukrainian position.


Austrian journalist Richard Schmitt writes for and Heute magazine

He actively promotes the Kremlin's narrative that it is impossible and unnecessary to defeat Putin. He also often advocates the need to stop supporting Ukrainians and start "peace talks" on Russia's terms. A quote from Richard Schmitt in one of his articles ( “We Austrians live in peace with Russia for 77 years, our hotels have been welcoming Russian tourists and skiers for decades, industry has been welcoming Russian investors, and our banks have been welcoming Russian business partners." Convicted several times ( for scandalous materials and shameful behavior in his country.


Signs of suspicious media

EUvsDisinfo, together with the Spanish authorities, identified and analyzed a group of suspicious websites that participated in the creation and distribution of pro-Kremlin content with the aim of undermining Western support for Ukraine. Researchers discovered a network of at least 23 websites with links to Russia, posing as European media outlets. These sites take pro-Kremlin content from Russian state media or various pro-Kremlin social media accounts and repackage it for a target EU audience.
In Russian fake factories, this is called "Operation False Façade". It focuses on the layering phase, which means spreading the originally posted content through intermediaries to hide connections and unclear origins. First, the websites automatically translated and republished content from Russian state media, removing any references to the original sources. Second, they turned social media content into written articles.
The most telling feature is the similarity of style and visual concept. First, most pro-Russian media use similar names to resemble Western media. They often include US and UK city names and then add words like "weekly", "daily", "chronicle", "times" or "crier" (bostontimes[.]org, londonchronicle[.]news, dcweekly [.]org and chicagocrier[.]com). Second, at least 9 of these websites share the same visual themes, including similarities in logos, suggesting that they could be generated by artificial intelligence such as OpenAI's DALL-E 3. management of the subject.


The media resource very diligently works out the blood money of the Kremlin. Here you can see how the image of the leadership of a terrorist state is whitewashed, how threats to democratic countries are broadcast, and how violations of international agreements and laws are legitimized.


Support the Ukrainian Armed Forces during the Russian invasion