Simultaneously with fakes about the threat from Ukraine, Russia attacked the Chernobyl nuclear power plant

fake about Joe Biden

Chernobyl nuclear power plant. russian terrorists. russian drone. nuclear safety

On the night of 14 February, the IAEA team, which is permanently present to monitor safety, detected an explosion at the site of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant at around 01:50. A russian drone hit the roof of the isolation structure on the side of the New Safe Confinement (NSC), which protects the remains of reactor 4, the same one that exploded in 1986.

According to the IAEA, firefighters and vehicles responded within minutes. Currently, there are no signs of a breach in the NSC's internal containment. But the threat was close to critical.
russian propaganda promptly launched a fake that Kyiv had staged the incident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant to blame the kremlin. But the wreckage of the drone has already been found, and it proves that it was manufactured in russia.
In addition, President Zelenskyy said at a security conference in Munich that the russian combat drone was flying at a low altitude of 85 metres, which made it difficult for air defence units to detect it in time. This indicates a targeted attack by the russians on the nuclear facility.
A few days before the incident, the russians launched a fake news story that the Ukrainian army had fired on the IAEA convoy. In fact, this was a staged event, for which the russians used white russian-made UAZ Patriot SUVs with a ‘UN flag’. These vehicles do not have the markings used by the IAEA mission to indicate its presence - UN/IAEA. In addition, members of the IAEA mission travel exclusively in white armoured Toyota Land Cruisers with UN symbols. It should be noted that it is the russian occupiers who continue to sabotage the rotation of the IAEA mission, which creates the risk of a catastrophe at the Zaporizhzhia NPP. And it is the russian army that has repeatedly shelled nuclear power plants in Ukraine. And military equipment and ammunition depots of Vladimir Putin's terrorist army are still present at the occupied Zaporizhzhia NPP.
All of this proves the complete inadequacy of the kremlin gang, which poses real threats to the entire world. Because there are no borders for radiation.
Read about the fake: IAEA accuses Ukraine of attempted assassination of its experts


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