Manipulation: thousands of people in Berlin came to a rally "for peace with Russia"


Kremlin propaganda, protest in Berlin, russian Federation, Germany news

In fact, the protest in Berlin on August 3, 2024 was not about maintaining peace with russia. The participants of the mentioned demonstration were the so-called Querdenker - "dissidents", and the action itself was dedicated to the fourth anniversary of such a march in the German capital in 2020. Querdenker, in particular, are against vaccination, measures to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, in general against the German government and "for peace without weapons".

Currently, the main focus of the organization's activities is criticism of both the domestic and foreign policy of the German government, and the issue of peace with the russian Federation is far from the main one. Demonstrators demand, among other things, the withdrawal of Germany from NATO and, as before, a review of measures to contain the coronavirus.About 12,000 representatives of the movement gathered for the rally. The German site RBB reports, in particular, that some participants of the action waved flags with a dove of peace, others held banners with the demand to "review the measures to combat the coronavirus" and "punish the guilty". Some of the participants held placards with the slogan "Create a world without weapons", familiar since the time of the peace movement in the 80s of the last century in Germany. The peace symbol could also be seen on several banners.
In addition, as reported by the Berliner Zeitung, some posters featured the logo of Compact magazine, classified by the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution as right-wing extremist and currently banned. Some protesters chanted döp dödö döp ("foreigners away"), and some held posters of AfD, the German right-wing party. However, the topic of reconciliation with the russian Federation and "ceasing the supply of weapons to Ukraine" is secondary for Querdenker. In the German press, there is no mention of such calls at the demonstration in Berlin either.
“Overall, the participants were a motley mix, with some wearing flowers or John Lennon buttons. One of the contestants had a lizard print on his shirt, apparently in connection with a well-known conspiracy story. One man was playing the piano, the other was meditating," is how the German media described the demonstration.

Moreover, the founder of the Querdenker movement, Michael Ballweg, was detained for nine months until recently. Prosecutors have charged him with attempted fraud, money laundering and tax evasion. He was also present at the last march in Berlin, writes the Berliner Zeitung. Thus, the report by the pro-russian media that 20,000 people came to a rally in Berlin "in support of peace with the russian Federation" is pure manipulation. Such narratives are used to spread the idea that many people in EU countries support russia in the war with Ukraine, which is not true.

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