The front of the Armed Forces of Ukraine risks collapsing in a few weeks


The Kremlin media wrote that NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg arrived in Ukraine because the front of the Armed Forces risks collapsing in a few weeks. The Secretary General of NATO learned the details of the development of events in Kyiv.

Our colleagues from reveal yet another lie of the Russians. Stoltenberg arrived in Ukraine to discuss the prospects of Euro-Atlantic integration, logistical assistance to the Defense Forces, as well as to invite President Zelensky to the NATO anniversary summit, which will be held in Washington on July 9-11, 2024.

The front held by the Defense Forces of Ukraine is not collapsing. Heavy fighting is taking place in a number of directions, in particular on Avdiivskoye, where the Russian occupying forces suffer huge losses in any attempt to advance further.

This kind of news is published in order to make people think that Ukraine is about to lose, and therefore it is not worth supporting it and helping it financially. This thesis has been promoted since the active phase of the war, but without any verified facts.

Always check the news by checking multiple sources.


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