Nuclear blackmail of Russia as a method of influencing Western leaders


Russian terror, russian Federation, Energodar, ukraine war news

The Secretary of the Security Council of russia, sergei shoigu, recently stated that joint nuclear exercises between russia and Belarus are an adequate response to NATO's participation in the war in Ukraine and the West's permission to strike the territory of the russian Federation. Thus, the kremlin continues to threaten the use of nuclear weapons as the last argument in the war.

The truth: joint exercises of tactical nuclear forces launched by russia and Belarus are another act of nuclear blackmail aimed at putting pressure on the international community. putin's russia has been using nuclear blackmail since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, namely from March 2022, when russian troops captured the Zaporizhzhia NPP in Energodar and took its personnel hostage.
The invaders use the ZNPP as a cover for shelling Ukrainian population centers from the territory of the station, store weapons and ammunition there, and create the threat of man-made catastrophe. Shoigu's statements are a shift of responsibility for the crimes committed from the aggressor to the victim. And there have never been any NATO troops on the territory of Ukraine, which russian propagandists are constantly talking about. With such statements, kremlin leaders are trying to sow fear in NATO countries and weaken their leaders' determination to support Ukraine.

We believe that the whole world should look for effective ways to curb russia's aggressive policy in order to establish reliable nuclear security in the Eurasian region.

According to the materials of


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