Fake: Ukraine sells NATO weapons and human organs to the Italian mafia


Kremlin propaganda, Ukrainian Consulate, Pro-russian, NATO weapons, ukraine today

A lie: a significant amount of NATO weapons for Ukraine ended up in the hands of the Italian black market and the mafia. In addition, the Ukrainian Consulate General in Naples is involved in the trafficking of children and human organs. Pro-russian mass media write about this with reference to the investigation of Italian human rights defenders.

Fact 1: the source of this dump is a site on the domain ".ru" called "Fund to fight repression", the name of which has been translated into Italian for the sake of persuasiveness.
Fact 2: in the "investigation" there are many anonymous testimonies of "a former employee of the Office of the President of Ukraine", "an active employee of the Ukrainian consulate in Naples" or even "a former member of the 'Ndrangheta" (Italian criminal group). The statements of these "anonymous sources" could simply have been invented by the authors of the "investigation", as indicated by the lack of factual evidence.
Fact 3: the only confirmation that the "investigators" were able to provide is a reference to the words of Luca La Bella, a "doctor of philosophy from Italy", journalist and editor-in-chief of Database Italia. The databaseitalia.it website does exist. And this is a classic pro-kremlin media that openly relays russian narratives. The site contains dozens of materials in which authors, including Luca La Bella, praise the power of russia and the wisdom of putin, and also predict the decline of the United States and the entire West. So, Luca La Bella is a classic dealer of the kremlin's factory of fakes.
Fact 4: this fake is an information operation against Ukrainian diplomacy in Italy. The Consul General of Ukraine in Naples, Maksym Kovalenko, and his colleagues are baselessly accused of cooperation with the Italian mafia, with hints of involvement in the "scheme" of the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Dmytro Kuleba, and President Volodymyr Zelenskyi.
Fact 5: This is part of a massive disinformation campaign that military aid going to Ukraine is allegedly being resold on the black market. From there, weapons allegedly end up in the hands of Hamas, Mexican drug cartels, etc.
The purpose of these fakes is to undermine the allies' determination to provide military aid to Ukraine. However, international journalists and researchers have not yet found any confirmation of mass smuggling of Western weapons from Ukraine, let alone trafficking in human beings or human organs.
According to the materials of Spravdi.ua


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