Fake: Western leaders threatened Ukraine with serious consequences due to operations in the Kursk region of Russia


Kremlin propaganda, Kursk region, russia vs ukraine, ukraine invited russia, war in russia

A lie: "Ukraine canceled the possibility of peace talks with russia with the attack on the Kursk region," - this is a quote by the British analyst Alexander Mercuris, reproduced by the pro-kremlin media. In addition, according to him, due to this military operation, Ukrainians have lost trust among their partners, who are seriously thinking about ending aid to Kyiv.

The truth: such statements are a poor attempt by russian propaganda to pass off a kremlin agent's statement as a "warning of the West." With its disinformation campaign around the world, russia is trying to expose Ukraine's actions as "provocative" and "terrorist", which will allegedly result in a military defeat for Ukraine, and for Kyiv - a loss of support from the West. Thus, the kremlin wants to divert attention from the painful defeats in the Kursk region, as well as sow doubts among some neutral states that have not yet supported the Ukrainian "Peace Formula".
In fact, in the West, among the real allies of Ukraine, there is a clear understanding that Ukraine acts within the limits of necessity, based on defense needs. "Decisions about how Ukraine conducts its military operations are decisions made by Ukraine," said US State Department spokesman Matthew Miller. Similar messages were also heard in the European Union. There is not a single G7 leader who would speak out against Ukraine's actions.
We will remind you that Mercuris is an ordinary repeater of russian propaganda, which "whitewashes" russia's crimes and legitimizes the kremlin's narratives around the world.
Why did Ukraine start a military operation in the Kursk region?
For readers' understanding, let's explain the logic of the actions of the Ukrainian side.

    Since 2022, the russians have been regularly shelling the border territories of Ukraine, in particular, the Sumy region, which borders the Kursk region of russia. Sabotage groups of putin's army regularly come from there and launch large-caliber shells directly at civilian objects and Ukrainian households. For 2.5 years of full-scale war, this is great destruction and many victims among civilians. Therefore, one of the goals of this operation is to destroy russia's military potential and military facilities in this region and protect its own citizens and infrastructure. By the way, officials in Kyiv confirm that they are not going to occupy russian territory and establish their power there, unlike the kremlin, which did this in the occupied Ukrainian territories.
    Due to the breakthrough of the armed forces of Ukraine, russia is forced to divert part of its resources from other directions. Thus, the offensive potential of the aggressor decreases in the places of active hostilities (now it is Donetsk, Luhansk, Kharkiv and Zaporizhzhia regions).
    Ukraine plans to use the successes in the Kursk region in possible future negotiations on ending the war. For example, exchange the Kursk region for some of its own territories temporarily occupied by russia.
    To demonstrate to the whole world that putin does not control the war and, more importantly, does not control his own borders, and cannot even protect his citizens because he is fixated on seizing Ukrainian territories. As a result of the kremlin's thoughtless policy, russia's borders are very weakly protected in many places. It is not possible to correct this situation in a short period of time, since virtually all available weapons and soldiers have been sent to the combat zone.
    At the same time, Ukraine demonstrates that it is not ready to accept the status of a victim, easily give up its own territories and bend under the pressure of the aggressor. The only thing keeping putin's chances in this war is the caution of Western leaders, not the weakness of Ukrainians. Insufficient and untimely military support, insufficient sanctions, restrictions on the use of Western weapons significantly slow down the destruction of putin's terrorist army and postpone the end of the war.

But each of us can make an easy choice every day and support the power of Good. Support Ukraine right now. Good must win!
According to the materials of Spravdi.ua


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